2017 JPL DARTS Lab Course

Course information

  • The DARTS Lab course will be held the week of Aug 7-11, 2017 in Room 321-B20 at JPL from 8am to 5pm each day.
  • Download the course schedule here
  • Up-to-date information regarding the course will be posted on this page. If you are unable to visit this page, please email Jonathan with your IP address so you can be whitelisted (from outside JPL).
  • JPLers can sign up at https://lms.jpl.nasa.gov (search for PDT-DARTS).

Course resources

Course mailing list

The mailing list for the course is dartslab.course2017@jpl.nasa.gov and will be used for all information regarding the course. Please feel free to use the list for any questions or comments you may have.

JupyterHub account

We will be using on-line interactive Python notebooks throughout the course. If you do not already have a DARTS Lab JupyterHub account, please visit the JupyterHub registration page and register to create an account for yourself. JPLers should use their JPL user name, but will need to setup a new password since LDAP does not work on this site (do not use your LDAP password).

JupyterHub test notebooks

Once you have setup your JupyterHub account, and have received confirmation, please visit DARTS Lab JupyterHub: https://dlabnotebooks.jpl.nasa.gov and login. Please run the following tests to verify that you are all setup with using notebooks.

Hello world test

Please run a basic test by clicking on the top level HelloWorld.ipynb entry to open up the notebook (scroll to the bottom of the page to find this notebook). You can execute a cell by entering 'Shift-Enter'. The first cell will print out 'Hello world'. This notebook is read only.

SOAVector3 notebook

At the top-level you should find a folder with your user name. Inside the folder will be a an 'SOAVector3.ipynb' notebook file. Click on it to open up the notebook. From the 'Cell' menu select 'Run All'. This will run all the cells. You should see 'Out[]' blocks apprear for the cells that generate outputs. This notebook (in your folder) is editable by you, and you should be able to make changes, run, and save the notebook as you wish. Feel free to play with it. Thats it for now.

Q&A site account

If you do not already have a user account on the DARTS Lab Q&A site, please visit the site and register to create an account for yourself (click on the upper right corner link). JPLers can use their LDAP password, while others will have to set a password. This site contains information on the DARTS lab software and will be used during the course.

Non-JPL attendees

JPL badge access

Non-JPLers who do not have badge access to JPL should email Abhi to initiate a visit request as soon as possible so that you get on lab to attend the course.

Arriving at JPL

When you arrive at JPL (see map) you can park in the visitor's parking lot, and check in at the Visitor Center to get badged. Please arrive early (recommend 7:15am) since this can take some time. Please remember to bring proper ID (passports for non-US persons). You will need an escort while on the JPL premises, and there will be someone to meet you at the visitor center at 7:40am to take you to the 321-B20 meeting room.

Wireless access

There is a guest WiFi network available that you will be able to use while at JPL.

What you need to bring with you

A laptop with a Web browser. Non-JPLers will be able to connect to the guest network. We will be using Python notebooks for live sessions throughout the course and a working knowledge of Python is highly recommended.

Contact info

Email: Abhi Jain (jain@jpl.nasa.gov, (818) 636-4794) and Jonathan Cameron (jmc@jpl.nasa.gov, (626) 260-1383)